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Aimee Gilbreath Portrait

Aimee Gilbreath

President, PetSmart Charities and PetSmart Charities of Canada

A seasoned leader in both non-profit and private-sector organizations with extensive experience in a range of industries spanning biotech, consumer goods and philanthropy, Aimee has a proven track record of driving organizations to achieve growth and success.

Growing up in Phoenix, AZ, Aimee had practically every pet possible (horses, goat, dog, cat, rabbit, snake, rat). When She moved to Los Angeles it was the first time she didn’t have a pet in her household. To fill the void, she looked for pet related volunteer opportunities which fatefully led her into the world of animal welfare, shelters, and rescue groups. She fell in love with the stocky, blocky headed dogs most people call pit bulls, adopted one, and got inspired to help on a larger scale.

Today, Aimee is proud to serve as president of PetSmart Charities, which is not only the leading funder of animal welfare but also an organization committed to supporting pets and those who love them. PetSmart Charities believes it’s more important than ever to support the whole family—which, for over half of the population, includes pets.

Prior to her role at PetSmart Charities, Aimee served as the executive director of the Found Animals Foundation, Inc., a non-profit supporting pet owners and animal welfare organizations with a mission dedicated to saving pets and enriching lives, where spearheaded activities for the foundation’s 1,000+ B2B clients and 5 million B2C customers nationwide.