Harlem community leaders partnered with the NYC Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence to organize the 5th Annual Harlem Toy Drive, held during the #HavPlentyBrunch at The Cecil Harlem.
URI volunteer and domestic violence survivor Linda Wolff organized a holiday clothing and toy drive at her Upper West Side boutique, CPW, to benefit URI shelter residents.
The Harlem Community Advisory Board and Disney/ABC Television Group donated $1,200 to sponsor a holiday party for shelter residents. Gifts to residents included books donated by Disney and handmade scarfs donated by Disney BlanketEARS.
The Links collected and distributed toys and gifts and hosted a party at Urban Women’s Retreat, with food, dancing, face painting and a visit from a Macy’s Santa.
MBBA distributed toys and gifts and generously donated $750 to sponsor a holiday party for families at Urban Women’s New Beginnings shelter.
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