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March is designated Women’s History Month, with International Women’s Day celebrated on March 8 each year.  Both of these are deeply relevant for Urban Resource Institute as we work to end domestic violence and homelessness, and the 2022 themes especially resonate with our mission.

For International Women’s Day, this year’s theme is “Break the Bias.”  As an organization, we have long worked to “break the bias” that has held women back from reaching their full potential.  From our founding in 1980, the vast majority of our clients have been female identified, and through our work we empower these women to overcome challenges and biases, rebuild their lives, and create sustainable futures for themselves and their families.

From an internal perspective, we are proud that a significant percentage of our leadership positions are held by women, including many members of our Executive and Senior Teams as well as our Board of Trustees.  Having significant numbers of women staff and leaders helps ensure the guiding hands that steer our work reflect the community we serve,

The Women’s History Month 2022 theme is “women providing healing, promoting hope,” which is a perfect reflection of the URI mission and commitment. The theme was created as “a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers” – frontline workers like the URI staff who have served our clients and faced the difficulties of the pandemic with dedication and drive.

The work of URI is critical every day of every month, but it is important we take a moment during Women’s History Month to reflect as we move together towards brighter futures. We invite you to follow us on social media to read about some of the URI women clients and frontline hero staff who work towards these futures.

Please learn more and consider donating in support of our work to help transform lives.

In solidarity,

Nathaniel M. Fields

Chief Executive Officer

Urban Resource Institute

DSS Commissioner Park Unveils First Loan From NYC’s Shelter Fund…

NYC Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Molly Wasow Park, New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) President Eric Enderlin.…Read More