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Corporate & Community Partner Program

Join us in making a meaningful impact in your local community and supporting our mission as a valued partner. Together, we can empower domestic violence survivors and homeless families to transform their lives.

Employee Engagement Volunteer Activity

Engage your employees in meaningful volunteer work that fosters team building, civic leadership, and community spirit. Spend half a day volunteering with Urban Resource Institute, where you’ll assemble care packages with trauma-informed items for domestic violence survivors or homeless families at our headquarters in Midtown, Manhattan. The experience includes lunch, a guest speaker, and a presentation.

Employee Engagement Volunteer Activities are customizable for up to 45 people.

In-Kind Donation Drives

Encourage your employees to give back through an online donation drive created by Urban Resource Institute. Items such as food, coats, socks, hats, strollers, holiday gifts, and more will be sent directly to domestic violence survivors or homeless families at Urban Resource Institute shelters. In-kind donation drives are customizable.

Corporate and Community Partner Program Membership Levels

Gold Membership

$50,000 annually

  • Participation in four employee engagement volunteer activities for up to 45 people
  • Participation in two in-kind donation drives
  • Opportunity to schedule a one-hour educational presentation for employees on domestic violence and homelessness
  • Bronze Sponsorship to the annual URI Celebration gala in New York City (includes 10 event tickets, ½ page journal ad, listing on all event promotional collateral)
  • Invitation for two employees to join the Celebration Event Committee
  • Logo recognition on the Corporate and Community Partner Program web page
  • Name recognition in the Urban Resource Institute annual report
  • Logo recognition in four digital database-wide URI Newsletters
  • Name recognition in four social media posts
Silver Membership

$25,000 annually

  • Participation in two employee engagement volunteer activities for up to 45 people
  • Participation in one in-kind donation drive
  • Partner Sponsorship to the annual URI Celebration gala in New York City (includes 5 event tickets, ¼ page journal ad, listing on all event promotional collateral)
  • Logo recognition on the Corporate and Community Partner Program web page
  • Name recognition in the Urban Resource Institute annual report
  • Logo recognition in two digital database-wide URI Newsletters
  • Name recognition in two social media posts
Bronze Membership

$10,000 annually

  • Participation in one employee engagement volunteer activity for up to 30 people
  • Logo recognition on the Corporate and Community Partner Program web page
  • Name recognition in the Urban Resource Institute annual report
  • Logo recognition in one digital database-wide URI Newsletter
  • Name recognition in one social media post

For more information, please contact:
Jasmin Cardoza – Development Manager
347-906-4324jcardoza@urinyc.org www.urinyc.org