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“Do-Gooders” Visit URI Domestic Violence Survivors

NYC_Good_Deeds_DayWe are so grateful to Shari Arison, philanthropist and author of Activate Your Goodness, Rose Pierre Louis, Commissioner of the Office to Combat Domestic Violence, Finn Partners, and the many volunteers who celebrated Good Deeds Day with URI and our clients on March 5. Shari, the founder of the international Good Deeds Day movement, inspired our clients and staff by sharing her personal story of domestic violence and her desire to make the world a better place by encouraging good deeds every day.

Participants gathered for the kickoff at Times Square in Manhattan and boarded a Good Deeds Day bus to visit a variety of nonprofits throughout the city. The route included URI’s domestic violence program, where volunteers presented flowers to our clients to show them that they are not alone.

NYC’s first pet-friendly homeless shelter will open in the Bronx

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